The Dreams And Eternal Inner Child

There is no way to see the “inner child” or “divine self” hidden within us or our body without the agency or medium of dreams. Dreams have potential to reveal us the inner child if only we have an eye to see it.
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 The inner child is within our self but we have no eyes to see it or we don’t advertently wish to see this innocent inner child.We become panicky whenever we try to see this child or the anxiety overtakes us and we are forced to overlook or turn our eyes away from it.It reminds us of our beguile way of leading life, the depravity of our life and futility of our egoistic and narcissist actions.It reminds us of our promiscuity in illicit love and sexual affairs.It reminds us of our penchant for evil and crime.Se we try to avoid the look of this inner self to lead the life as we wish in our own mental images and on our own terms suitable to us.

We are so overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and shame subsequent anxiety that we can endure to see this inner child.we are forced to shut our eyes at the mere glimpse of this inner child.

Temperament of inner child

 The inner child is very enigmatic and mysterious.It ways are very strange.Its true nature cannot be comprehended by human beings.The inner child is not entity like our physical body or material body.It is sensation.It is experience but not of the senses rather of extra sensory perception. What is the nature of this inner eternal child? The inner child is naturally creative, imaginative, playful, fun-loving and spontaneous.The inner child is characterized by eternal beauty, Playfulness, formlessness, egolessness, truthfulness, sincerity, naturalness, and above all spontaneity. These are not only attributes but integral part or essence of the nature of this inner child.It never indulges in processes of life but only see these from distance as an intelligent observer.  It is not limited by time and space. It is very empathetic in nature.It cannot see and tolerate torture, torments, sorrows, grief in life.It is very justice loving also.When it sees justice being denied or cruelty being meted out it starts weeping.

Dream and inner child

Dream is really a marvelous and great experience.It is even more meaningful and valuable than waking experience of human life gathered by senses.Dream is a great medium to experience.Dream is the only medium through which we can have a glimpse of the beauty of this eternal child.Dream is psychic reality.It is more reality even than material reality.It is beautiful dimension of mind, not only dimension but the mind itself.Mind is revealing itself through dreams to us.

There is no way to see the beauty and enigmatism of mind other than dreams.Inner child is epitome or miniature of our self.  It is the model of the self.The inner child is within mind and mind is within us.Mind is not the medium of our experience but the source of human experience itself.Mind is greater than our experience.But we are so engrossed /absorbed and engulfed in material and sensory world that we fail to evaluate and relate this valuable experience to our            life.It is experience of the unknown, from which we all have descended and the unknown to which we know very little or nothing.Dreams are rich in experience, so are very valuable.Not every dream we dream reveals the nature of this inner child but only some, the purposeful or meaningful dreams.We        should take stock of every dream we do not know in which dream it may reveal itself to us.

How dreams reveal inner child?

 The inner child reveals to us purposefully in dreams to warn us or forbid us, to guide us from doing anything wrong or evil for which we have to repent and reproach the whole life and punish ourselves.A patient of mine was suffering from very severe mental psychosis in which he used to do massive and obsessive masturbation and after which he had to repent for it. He was fixated upon many sexual matters.He got revulsion for every food and food article.Even the very thought of food used to nauseate him.All muscles from his body shed due to dysentery and he was almost reduced to Skelton.

 All the medical health care therapy was aimed at improving his hunger, muscles and dysentery.None took notice of his failing mental health and growing into psychosis.  He had constant sensation as if getting thin or dying.He was leading very ambivalent condition of mind not disclosing it to anybody.He was in contradiction with himself.He was addicted to antagonize and fight his own self.  He developed lot of contempt for the self.He was full of guilt feelings and was the cause of his failing health. After therapy sessions and prescribing energy medicine to match his mental conditions and his delusions, I said to him, “I am expecting something spectacular within fifteen days.” After ten days he phoned me saying “the expected thing had happened” and I was very curious and anxious to know it.I told me he had a dream in which he saw a very naïve and innocent child standing beside me along with my elder brother and father.My elder brother was mocking this little boy ruthlessly but the boy was unmoved and not responsive not reacting in the least to his taunts and      mockery.  In the end of the long dream when it came to ending the patient said to himself , “Oh God! That is I only”.

This patient had become fixated on so many things in life.He had nourished    firm and fixed bizare ides about religion and sexual matters and was suffering from sexual fantasies of very grave nature.The inner boy revealed its true identity and self to the patient and made him aware of hi s tenacious fixedness and involvement and guided him to act not from ego but simultaneously and in natural way.After this dream the patient completely changed his outlook.His attitude and approach to view things underwent a tremendous change.He realized his folly of being involved in his phantasies and being part and parcel of these sexual fantasies and learnt that these were happening independent of his ego.The fantasies ceased to torment him after this dream.

Article Written by ANANDBLISS

professor of psychology and parapsychology and writing on issues concerning human nature and illness

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